This toolkit has been developed as one of a number of equality projects covering a range of issues. It follows research to identify policy, practice, awareness and confidence around dealing with homophobic incidents. The research suggested that in relation to bullying and discrimination, the issue of sexual orientation is less embedded compared to other equality strands such as gender, disability and race, and teachers were less confident in dealing consistently and effectively with homophobia. The need for greater awareness, clear guidance and training on anti-homophobia and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues emerged as key priorities from the research. The aim of this resource is therefore to provide confidence and skills to support school staff in recognising, preventing and dealing with homophobia and homophobic bullying in schools in the context of Curriculum for Excellence. The toolkit has been developed by LGBT Youth Scotland, the national youth organisation for LGBT young people, in partnership with LTS and funded by the Scottish Government. This resource is based on research with teachers, education authority staff and young people. Contained within this toolkit are materials designed to build confidence in the following areas: challenging homophobia and homophobic bullying; supporting LGBT young people in your school; including homophobia and homophobic bullying in school policy; including LGBT issues and anti-homophobia work in the curriculum through lesson plans that support Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación