This report shows that in 2022, 14 European donors prioritized investments in SRH/FP within the overall SRHR agenda and against other key components. While the level of funding for SRH/FP has significantly increased (+14%, providing a total of 1.622 billion Euros), the level of funding to overall SRHR was kept at the same level as the previous year (2.889 billion Euros). There continues to be significant room to scale up the weight of both SRH/FP and SRHR as a share of countries’ annual Official Development Assistance (ODA). In 2022, individual European donors allocated between 0.3 – 4.8% of their ODA to SRH/FP (against 0.3 – 5.7% in 2021) and between 1.0 – 5.9% of their ODA to SRHR (against 0.8 – 7.5% in the previous year). As a matter of comparison, in the same year, European donors allocated between 7 – 51% of their ODA to in-donor refugee costs, a massive difference when looking at the share of support to sexual and reproductive care worldwide of those same donor governments. With such in-donor expenses as part of their ODA, in 2022 some European donors paradoxically became the primary beneficiaries of their own Official Development Assistance. So, while the absolute increase of expenditure on SRH/FP in 2022, as well as the overall ODA rise, are all very welcome, it is also clear that support for sexual and reproductive care has not been prioritised enough, compared to other issues.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación