In 2015, the Population Council in conjunction with UNFPA conducted a study that drew on data from the 2013–14 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey and the 2010 Census of Population and Housing to identify where adolescent pregnancy is most likely to occur in Zambia. Using a literature review, key informant interviews among organizations working with adolescents, and in-depth interviews with adolescent girls, the study also identified key factors that lead to adolescent pregnancy. Study findings reaffirmed that adolescent pregnancies are high in Zambia, potentially undermining girls’ human rights and compromising their opportunity to fully realize their socioeconomic development potential. This brief recommends ways to keep girls in school; provide sexual and reproductive health information; strengthen referrals between school and health facilities; and provide out-of-school girls with health, economic, and educational opportunities.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation