In May 2007, the Association of African Universities in consultation with the UNAIDS Technical Support Facility for West and Central Africa based in Burkina Faso commissioned a Mid-Term Evaluation of the AAU's three year Programme dubbed African Universities Responding to HIV/AIDS. This project is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency, Sida. With the project implementation coming to an end in December 2007, the objective of the evaluation was to review the implementation of the project so far and to make recommendations based on findings to improve project implementation. On the whole, the evaluation documented sound financial management practices within the AAU and the recipient institutions visited in the course of the field studies. To a large extent, the AAU has ensured efficient allocation of resources by facilitating institutions to implement specific project activities and ensuring the institutions account for funds received. The challenge is to maintain these practices and to ensure delays in the release of funds to recipient institutions and individuals are reduced to the barest minimum.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation