Despite the critical importance of addressing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV), there is limited understanding of both the depth and breadth of such violence, and the causes and consequences for children and society. This report reviews the literature on school-related gender-based violence in developing countries in an effort to improve understanding of its causes, prevalence, and consequences. This is a synthesis and analysis of literature on SRGBV and an introduction to interventions that are addressing the problem. The report discusses the context in which SRGBV takes place and examines barriers to prevention and response. It includes recommendations for action at the national, institutional, community, and individual levels. Although much of the evidence focuses on the sexual nature of gender-based violence in schools, this report also draws attention to psychological and physical abuse. The under-reporting of the emotional and physical forms of school-related gender-based violence belie their pervasiveness, obscuring the extent to which such violence and abuse are considered a normal part of students lives. This report hopes to bring greater clarity to this issue in all of its manifestations. As such, the literature review focused on violence occurring in primary and secondary schools, on the way to and from schools, in teachers homes, and in school dormitories. It also included peer-to-peer and adult-to-student situations.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation