In response to evidence of increasing political will, as well as emergence of promising practices in addressing the issue, the Global Working Group to end school-related gender-based violence hosted the 2023 learning Symposium in the Asia-Pacific region. The two-and-a-half-day day Symposium, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 25 to 27 April 2023, was guided by the following objectives: Facilitate experience-sharing on programming and policy-advocacy on SRGBV as an issue affecting gender equality, education, mental health and well-being, highlighting strategic entry points for stronger integration of SRGBV within – among others – gender equality in and through education, broader school violence prevention programming, and the creation of safe, inclusive and health-promoting schools with a human rights-based approach; Promote new and emerging practical tools and resources to support education systems to advance their prevention and response approaches to SRGBV, in line with available global guidance and policy frameworks; Strengthen knowledge of promising and transformative practices at national and school levels to address SRGBV carried out by diverse education actors, with particular attention to whole school approaches; Promote recent evidence and research and identify evidence gaps and opportunities for monitoring and measuring SRGBV prevalence and the effectiveness of response efforts, including evidence and research around online SRGBV; Amplify the voices of women (including girls and women with disabilities), young people and other vulnerable groups in the region for ending SRGBV.The Symposium brought together approximately seventy participants from eighteen countries and over fifty organizations representing diverse sectors, including government (with a focus on education personnel), civil society, donors, young activists, academic institutions, education unions and UN agencies.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation