This analysis looks at aáprocess evaluation of four channels of delivery (drama, video, community education and leaflets) used in an Information, Education and Communication (IEC) intervention on HIV/AIDS in rural Uganda. Semi-structured interviews (n=37) and focus groups (n=3) were conducted among field staff. Two questionnaires (n=105 and n=69) and focus groups were conducted with community members. More than 85% of the community had seen at least one drama or video and saw them as relevant and realistic. However, the overall message of the plays was often not well understood. Access to community educators was not universal, as they tended to avoid the rich, educated and their older relatives. They were seen as knowledgeable and trustworthy, but community members felt they would rather be trained by health workers. Some 80% of the community had seen leaflets, but not necessarily read them. Low literacy and lack of a reading culture contributed to this outcome. A multi-channel approach to community-based HIV educational interventions is needed to overcome these challenges.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation