This publication develops sex education concepts to stimulate and promote an interdisciplinary discourse on sexuality, contraception and family planning. It sets out the fundamentals of sex education for young people, defining the framework conditions, the starting situation, the goals and the target groups. In addition, it provides information on the communicative approach and the various subject areas. The main objective of this booklet is to highlight the fact that sex education for young people helps them to cope with their development, and particularly contributes to the formation of an integral identity. It is important to enable young people to develop as sexual beings, to learn to express their own feelings and needs, and to experience sexuality in a pleasurable manner. The booklet consists of eight chapters, covering the following topics: framework conditions; starting situation; objectives; target groups; communication approach; subject areas; cooperation partners; measures. The document is a good reference for Germany and is also useful for other European countries.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation