The topics covered in Curriculum-in-the-Making are ones that illustrate the dynamic nature of the work. Chapters Two, Three and Four have a great deal to say about our own beliefs as teacher educators in addressing HIV/AIDS. Chapters Five and Six highlight pedagogy while Chapters Seven and Eight offer support on assessment and evaluation to teacher educators and teachers. The chapters all follow a similar format: they start off with an overview of the section, followed by a consideration of why this is important within teacher education in South Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS. Each chapter then goes on to consider key issues and topics, followed by examples and case-studies. Each chapter ends with a section called for further reading. Curriculum-in-the-making is about the everyday practices of teachers and teacher educators in constructing curriculum - in this case in the context of HIV/AIDS - and reflecting an emerging community of practice amongst South African teacher educators who are teaching and conducting research in the context of HIV/AIDS. This, we argue, is not only curriculum-in-the-making and curriculum-in-use but, critically, curriculum-in-action. At the end of the document is a list of readings and resources to help teacher educators to stay up to date in the ever-changing area of HIV and AIDS. This reading list draws together the various references from across the chapters.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation