This occasional paper is the second in a series about Education Management Information Systems. The first in the series, 'Education Management Information Systems in an Era of HIV and AIDS: An Introduction', should be read before proceeding here, because it provides a useful overview about Education Management Information Systems and their application in an HIV and AIDS era. This second occasional paper introduces a local-level, data collection and management tool, referred to as a District Education Management and Monitoring Information System (DEMMIS). The authors describe the need for this tool and cover issues that arise when implementing a system of this nature to complement existing EMIS initiatives. Many of the experiences are based on a pilot of DEMMIS, run in a rural district of South Africa. This Occasional Paper is specially written for those working in and with ministries of education. DEMMIS: A Local Level Management Tool will help you consider:The need for a local level, data collection and management tool in your Ministry;How to develop reliable and responsive Education Management Information Systems (EMIS); What data is required to measure and track the impact of HIV and AIDS on the education sector; How best to implement a local level data collection and management tool in your Ministry; Lessons from the experiences of those already using DEMMIS.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation