This resource has been designed to offer information, guidance and support to anyone who has an interest in developing, or already runs, support services for children and young people infected with or affected by HIV. The information will be of use to voluntary and community sector organisations and the statutory sector including social workers, health professionals and youth workers. It was developed through three national consultations with statutory, voluntary and health sector professionals held in London, Birmingham and Leeds at the beginning of 2005. A wealth of information and ideas was gathered, which has influenced the format and content of this resource. Both infected and affected young people have also been involved through consultation events allowing their perspectives to be included. Section 1 offers an overview of statutory requirements and good practice guidance for organisations, and includes good practice in relation to staff working practices. It explores some of the issues that may affect staff working with this client group and ways in which organisations can support them. Section 2 explores the needs of parents/carers living with HIV in relation to supporting their children. It contains information and practice examples on specific parenting issues and suggests ways to support parents/carers. Section 3 focuses on young people, some of the issues they face living with HIV in the UK and examples of ways to support them through both individual support and within their peer group. It also includes a number of practice examples. Section 4 explores issues for children infected and affected by HIV. Some are similar to those of young people and others are specific to this age group. This is followed by examples of support that can be offered to this group, both as individuals and through group work. Section 5 offers support for fundraising, including key points to consider, resources which may be of use and a list of possible trusts that may consider funding this work. Finally, the annexes offer a coherent list of resources, tools, activities and publications, as well as contact details of where to acquire useful information.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation