This toolkit was published by Save the Children in 2004. It presents the peer education as one of the solution for children and adolescents' needs on skills and information on how to protect their sexual and reproductive health and reduce their vulnerability to HIV and AIDS. The manual begins with an introduction and some recommendations for the toolkit. The document consists of 5 sections: 1) When is peer education useful ?; 2) Improving the quality of peer education; 3) Working towards sustainability for peer education; 4) Moving beyond awareness-raising; 5) Quick guides to 18 programming options. This handbook also contains two annexes : Glossary and Further resources. This handbook mainly aims to provide information, activities and lessons learned to help users decide whether peer education is a useful approach for their work on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS with children and young people. It also looks for sharing the experiences and lessons of save the children and other organisations working on peer education around the word. This toolkit is made in order to provide a comprehensive response that will contribute to behaviour change in the sexual and reproductive health and HIV and AIDS. It provides a framework for identifying what could be considered as good practices and adapted for the context in people work.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation