This is the report of the Global Evaluation of Life Skills Education commissioned by the UNICEF Evaluation Office. The aims of the evaluation were to consider life skills education (LSE) initiatives and assess them for relevance, coverage, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability and to consider UNICEF’s role and additionality in support of them, recognizing that UNICEF has been an advocate for life skills education and a source of support in many countries. The evaluation was also tasked with identifying lessons and making recommendations for UNICEF and partners. Chapter 2 provides a brief overview of the methodology and tools used in conducting this evaluation, as well as limitations and challenges encountered. A more detailed discussion of the methodology is presented as Annex 2. Discussions from the literature review are presented in chapter 3. Chapter 4 contains overviews of the country context and background to the LSE programmes in each of the case study countries. In Chapter 5, findings, issues and conclusions from the documentation review and the case studies are presented according to the criteria of the evaluation framework. Recommendations, including an analytical framework for LSE, are presented in chapter 6.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation