The document has been developed by SENSOA, the Flemish expert organisation on sexual health and HIV. It is a provisonal synthesis of the direction that sex education should take. It emphasizes the importance of sex education at school, even if there is no censensus about the content of this controversial subject. It presents sex education as a "fascinating" and important subject for young people because it should guide them in their development into adults who are capable of integrating sexuality and intimacy with others into their lives in a meaningful and positive way. Indeed, the document focuses on the fact that too often, talking about sex is considered as acceptable in the case of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and sexual abuses prevention. The content of sex education is therefore determined by what is needed to know to spare youth from that suffering. Even if this is a noble aim in itself, but an unpleasant side effect, sex is, and remains, a Pandora 's Box. Therefore, it focuses on the importance to go in the direction of greater responsibility and that youth realize that their sexual behaviour has consequences for themselves and for other people. The aim of this document is to integrate some various different dimension of sex education into a single approach, which is closer to the real world in which young people live than each approach individually, and where parents, peers, school, media and experts can play an important and mutually complementary role. The document is divided into 5 parts which develop different topics: - What's the use of sex education? This part explains that message about sex are often full of contradictions because of various conceptions, periods and values incidences. - Supporting a development. This part develops gender, physicality and sexuality, intimacy and relational skills, and sexual development topics. - Sexual culture or back to morals. This part focuses on sexuality related to culture and values. It focuses on Belgians, but also on universal sexual and reproductive rights recognized in the international human rights law. - Risk prevention. This part focuses on responsibility, on the difference between men and women in perception of sexuality and on the various types of relationships, among other, in order to enhance prevention. Good lovers, an integrated concept. This part concludes and summarizes the document perspective.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation