The Guidebook for planning education in emergencies and reconstruction aims to support educational authorities in providing equal access to education of quality for children affected by conflict or disaster. It is addressed primarilyat staff of ministries of education, including national, provincial and district level planners and managers, in countries affected by conflict or natural disasters, or hosting refugees from a neighbouring state. The Guidebook is also intended for staff of United Nations organisations, donor agencies and NGOs working in support of ministries to promote education for emergency-affected populations.Chapter 4.3 of the Guidebook looks at HIV preventive education and aims: To teach learners how to avoid contracting HIV; To help learners recognize symptoms and to encouragethose infected to seek appropriate medical care and counselling; To teach learners how best to help people living with HIV and AIDS within their own families and communities.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation