Schools are an important part of a child's life and provide a supportive, caring environment. Yet still in 2015, the reactions of staff, parent/carers or pupils, to a child who is living with or affected by HIV, have in some cases led to the child feeling unable to remain at that school. This guidance by Magda Conway is an update of the comprehensive resource published by NCB in 2005, and a collaboration between the Children's HIV Association (CHIVA) and NCB. It provides schools, governing bodies and local authorities with practical information and suggestions on ways to support the needs of children living with HIV. It addresses schools' concerns about HIV and sets out some simple ways in which a school can provide a supportive environment for a child living with, or affected by, HIV. This is set in the context of the pastoral support that schools already provide, including all pupils with health needs.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation