This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 case studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its overall aim is to develop strategies for the delivery of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Family Life Education (FLE) information services to in-school youth between the ages of 10-24. Trained peer educators, parent-elder educators and health providers act as channels to deliver SRH and FLE services to the youth, as well as to mobilize and sensitize the wider community. The program objectives are: To promote young people's access to SRH information and services; To increase the involvement of parents and elders in empowering adolescents to adopt healthy sexual and reproductive behaviour; To foster behavioural change; To equip in-school adolescents with the necessary knowledge and skills to negotiate and practice safer sexual behaviours; To reduce the risks of negative peer pressure, and to help youth develop positive attitudes about each individual - and especially her/his own worth. Several topics related to sexual health are also discussed, such as: abstinence, decision making and communication skills. For those young people who are already sexually active, effective condom use is encouraged and taught. Some of the program materials that have been developed over the course of the project are: 1) Family life education: A manual for parent educators; 2) Family life education: A curriculum for teachers and trainers; 3) In-school training for peer education programme.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation