A growing body of evidence exists to demonstrate what constitutes an effective school-based sexuality education programme. The factors that contribute to successful implementation of effective school-based sexuality education at regional, country or local levels - so-called "levers of success" - are less clear. These are the focus of this publication. The term levers of success is used to describe the conditions and actions that have been found to be conducive to the introduction or implementation of sexuality education. Such levers are both general and specific. General levers are those that are necessary for the successful implementation of any new programme (and which therefore apply also to sexuality education), while the successful implementation of sexuality education also depends upon specific levers, particular either to the nature of sexuality education or else to the social and cultural setting in which it is implemented. Drawing from country experience in China, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria and Viet Nam, and from regional experience in Latin America and the Caribbean, this publication identifies a range of both kinds of "levers" that can contribute to the successful development and implementation of sexuality education in the school setting.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation