This toolkit has five main components: Part 1 provides a detailed conceptual framework for ministries to understand the four components of a comprehensive approach and what schools need to do to develop such a response to HIV and AIDS. This section also explains important ways in which NGOs can work with the education sector. Part 2 describes the types of the NGOs that currently work with the education sector. A typology of NGOs is presented describing the different functions, geographic coverage, focus and approach, and governing structures that distinguish NGOs. Part 3 provides a set of tools that will assist with service delivery in schools. The tools will provide a series of questions that will help the Ministry of Education to better assess its current response to HIV and AIDS and to enhance these interventions. The tools will help to review ways the Ministry can use its own resources and also ways in which NGOs might help. Parts 4 and 5 provide details and sample tools for quality assurance to maximise the benefits of working with NGOs and to sustain interventions that NGOs assist with developing.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation