Safe to Learn is a five-year initiative dedicated to ending violence in schools so children are free to learn and pursue their dreams. The initiative's shared vision is to work with governments, civil society organisations, communities, teachers and children themselves to end the violence that undermines education and make sure every child - especially the most marginalized - is Safe to Learn within 5 years. Partners come from both the education and child rights communities; they include governments, UN agencies, Civil Society and leading voices for progress on both SDG 4 and SDG 16, underscoring that there are multiple wins if violence in and through schools comes to an end. Besides a five-point Call to Action which sets out in high-level terms what needs to happen to end violence in schools, this brief also includes the #ENDviolence Youth Manifesto, which calls on world leaders to end violence in and around schools.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation