This milestone report - Strategies and Framework for Targeting Youth - provides a framework and identifies strategies to address the needs of young people in the prevention and care of HIV/AIDS and STIs in Papua New Guinea (PNG). It provides technical advice towards creating a strategic plan for young people, and suggests pilot strategies based on best practice in youth sexual health programs in resource-poor settings. Conceptually, this report provides a foundation in the development of a strategic plan for young people. It looks at the needs of young people, their vulnerability to HIV infection and the requirement for their active participation in multi-sectoral prevention and care responses. Many of the strategies identified in the report have already been initiated in at least limited scale by program partners, or are scheduled for implementation as part of existing workplans. Issues and options for programs development have been identified, however it is recognised that implementation of all proposed strategies, especially on a national scale, could not occur with the currently available resources and capacity. As such, the report provides a resource to support program development, not a blueprint for program implementation.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation