In January 2001, a workshop entitled "Strategic and Operational Planning for the Management and Mitigation of HIV/AIDS In Education" was convened at the request of the Zambian Ministry of Education (MOE). A detailed Workshop Report on the outcomes, proceedings and deliberations at the workshop was prepared. The purpose of the full Workshop Report was to: Provide the Zambian MOE with an understanding of the strategic planning process, its objectives and the consensus reached; Provide the basis of a preliminary strategic plan for the mitigation and management of HIV/AIDS in education; Provide action planning steps, processes and other skills that can be adapted and expanded to suit MOE requirements and ensure sustainable implementation; Provide the MOE and its donor and development agency partners with an insight into the extent and range of needs for technical assistance, from both inside and outside Zambia; and Provide the Mobile Task Team (MTT) and other concerned agencies with insights into the Zambian experience and its response to HIV/AIDS planning, in order to: a) widen understanding of the southern African situation; and b) improve the collective capacity to provide focused assistance. This summary document provides an overview of these workshop discussions.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation