This document, “Multi-sectoral guidelines to facilitate adolescents’ access to services related to HIV and sexual reproductive health” is a welcomed development that establishes the fact that tackling HIV in any age group especially in adolescents and young people is a multi-sectoral agenda. The document also highlights the fact that adolescents are themselves key stakeholders for ensuring that the agenda is achieved. For too long duty bearers and programmers have conceptualised and implemented interventions for young people without obtaining inputs from them. Adolescents and young people’s participation is a game changer that must be embraced by programmers in all sectors for optimal results. In addition to adolescents, six other key duty bearers namely parents/care givers, teachers/educators, social workers, the police and the judiciary have been identified as sectors whose partnerships must be nurtured to facilitate adolescents’ access to services related to HIV and sexual reproductive health. The document has clearly articulated the rational, roles and recommended actions expected by these key duty bearers for robust results.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación