This publication is prepared by Aidcom with the assistance from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) under the Regional Project on Advocacy for HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Young People in Asia and the Pacific. This Advocacy Intervention Package has been designed for Programme Managers who wish to understand what evidence-based advocacy is. It helps them to define, develop and implement an advocacy strategy, as well as talks about how to join forces with others with similar concerns. The Advocacy Package consists of five Chapters. Chapter 1: Issues and Gaps in HIV/AIDS Prevention explains why it is necessary to advocate for the revention of HIV/AIDS in young people, partly drawing upon the findings from needs assessment studies in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka. Chapter 2 expands further on Chapter 1, providing guidelines for advocates working for the prevention of HIV/AIDS in young people. In Chapter 3: StakeholdersÆ Analysis for Advocacy, you are going to learn about stakeholder analysis, one of the most important parts of advocacy planning. Chapter 4: Advocacy Tools and Techniques will be dealing with a couple of more important tools of the trade you need to learn to use when building up a solid advocacy campaign. Chapter 5: Training of Advocates: TrainerÆs Guide is organised and presented in a simple, easily understandable fashion providing clear objectives of the activities, the required duration, and materials needed for the activity to be conducted. The sessions aim to contribute basic information through hands-on practical exercises. This document is available online at

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