HIV/AIDS: the rights of learners and educators

Toolkits & Guides
Education Rights Project
30 p.

Schools can be the most important place to discuss the many issues surrounding HIV/AIDS. It is here where facts and information are taught and ideas debated. Education is more than just gaining skills. A sense of respect for others and taking a stand against injustice, inequality and discrimination, is as important as learning to read, write and count. Schools should be a place where we feel safe and comfortable to talk about serious subjects such as HIV/AIDS. A supportive school environment is one where all learners and educators are accepted and treated with respect. Discrimination against learners and educators living with HIV/AIDS violates human rights. People who are discriminated against often feel lonely and depressed. Fear of discrimination can prevent such people from taking necessary steps to confront their health issues. It is important to give support to those who have to care for a family member or friend who has HIV/AIDS, or who has lost someone close to them because of AIDS. These are sad and difficult circumstances for anyone - especially for young people. Supporting educators and learners brings comfort and helps them to cope and feel better. Talk to those living with HIV/AIDS. Listen to what they have to say. Everyone will benefit.

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