The workshop was organized under the auspices of an ILO-initiated programme during 2004-2005 to enhance a sectoral approach to HIV/AIDS education sector workplaces, as a complement to the ILO's Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS in the world of work, adopted in 2001. A number of research papers and assessments prepared by international organizations in recent years have highlighted the vulnerability of education sector workers, foremost teachers, who are considered to be highly susceptible to HIV and AIDS infection in developing countries. The high prevalence, disability and mortality rates among these personnel in turn deprive affected countries of some of their most educated and skilled human resources. Moreover, teachers are often not trained or supported to deal with the HIV/AIDS crisis within schools, and the disease has also affected the management capacity of education systems to respond to mounting crises. In 2005, UNESCO joined forces with the ILO to spearhead the development of an HIV and AIDS workplace strategy for the Caribbean which has as its objective the development of a model workplace policy and related resource materials for use by education staff and stakeholders at national and institutional levels of a nation's education system. The purpose of the workshop was to further refine and validate materials developed for use by constituents of the ILO and UNESCO and other education sector stakeholders at the institutional, national and regional levels, and to develop initial plans or strategies to implement workplace policies at the appropriate levels in the context of current developments within each country. Accordingly, it was expected that by the end of the workshop there should be: An agreed workplace policy; Agreed implementation guidelines; An action plan/strategy outline per country; An outline of a workshop report to be published shortly after the workshop.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation