This Policy will focus on six priority components to include current developments in the area of reproductive morbidity. These foci are priori ties areas for The Gambia and
most of which concur with the priorities identified by the World Health Organization in the recently developed global reproductive health strategy as the five core areas of reproductive health: improving antenatal, perinatal, newborn care and postpartum; providing high quality services for family planning, including infertility services; eliminating unsafe abortion; combating sexually transmitted infections including HIV, reproductive tract infections, cervical cancer and other gynecological morbidities; and promoting sexual health. The six areas of strategic foci of the policy are: i. Safe motherhood : Improving Maternal, newborn and child health; ii. Adolescent/Youth : Healthy sexual development and sexuality; iii. HIV/STI/RTI/PMTCT: Ensuring infection free sex and reproduction; iv. Family Planning: Providing quality family planning services to ensure
desired and intended fertility, including prevention of mistimed and unwanted pregnancies; v. Improve Gender, particularly male involve ment and participation on RH issues, limit all forms of gender based violence and harmful socio-cultural practices; and vi. Reproductive Morbidities.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation