Family planning (FP), maternal, and child health (MNH), and sexual and reproductive health for adolescents and youth are fundamental elements of the RH Communication Strategy for Kenya (2010-2012). These are key areas to address for Kenya to make progress on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Vision 2030. Recently, the Government of Kenya (GOK) and donors agreed to bolster RH/FP programs and services to ensure the country meets the goals ahead, including the 2015 target set by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation of increasing contraceptive prevalence from 46% to 56%. Social and behavior change communication (SBCC), which includes advocacy, social mobilization, and individual behavior change is vital to Kenya's achievement of the MDGs and Vision 2030. SBCC is a crucial component in changing social norms; addressing myths and misconceptions; and improving knowledge, attitudes and practices of Kenyans with regard to RH/FP and MNH. Without normative changes, increased uptake of available RH services cannot be achieved. A number of GOK policy documents place a strong emphasis on the important role of SBCC in improving RH/FP behaviors and health outcomes. This list includes the National Reproductive Health Policy for Kenya, National Reproductive Health Strategy (2009-2015), RH Communication Strategy (2010-2012), Youth Reproductive Health Policy, FP guidelines for service providers and Roadmap for Maternal and Newborn Health. The overall purpose of this implementation guide is to: ensure coordination and synergy of RH/FP and SBCC programming; ensure consistent SBCC on RH/FP; set the stage for scale and impact; define a common measurement for success. The implementation guide thus outlines the roles and activities of the GOK and partners at national, regional and country levels.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation