Drawing on the analysis of more than 100 key informant interviews as well as 100 global survey responses, this report is an effort to better understand where and in what ways women, particularly those most affected by the epidemic, are participating in the response; the opportunities for and challenges to their participation; and strategies that can be implemented and steps taken to advance their full and meaningful participation at all levels in order to ensure that the response to HIV and AIDS reflects women's priorities and needs. The critical importance of women's leadership and participation is increasingly being recognized and advanced as central to transforming the HIV and AIDS response. Promising approaches are: Knowledge is power; Mobilize communities for change; Involve grassroots women; Bring forward young women leaders; Engender the national AIDS response; Building coalitions and alliances amongst key groups to facilitate greater coherence; Tap the power of women's voices.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation