This rapid assessment presents the key results of the pilot workshop conducted by Society for Family Health (SFH) facilitators with school governing bodies (SGBs) and senior management teams (SMTs) in Mpumalanga in South Africa in terms of changes to participants’ knowledge of and attitudes towards comprehensive sexuality education. The training workshop falls under objective three in the overall scope of work: “Improved quality of school-based sexuality and HIV education programs – evidence informed and effective to reduce risky behaviours amongst school-going youth; improved learner knowledge and achievement in targeted areas of the life skills program”; Task 3.1 “Implement sexuality and HIV education activity in target schools”. This report relates to Activity 3.1.3 which aims to improve the knowledge and attitudes of SMT and SGBs towards comprehensive sexuality education in schools. The purpose of this rapid assessment report is to provide Education Development Center and partners with a snapshot of the research findings to guide internal planning processes.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation