This document is one of the 'information books for Africa' in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior Africa Writers (JAWS). It is designed for children in lower primary through upper secondary school and is intended to inform and provoke discussion about HIV and AIDS; and also to provide these children with the knowledge, skills and values needed to prevent them from getting infected with the HIV virus. The short booklet explains health issues such as: what a disease is; how diseases spread; the most common diseases in Africa and what you can do to stay healthy in a clear and enlightening way. Its contents are as follows: What causes diseases? How do diseases spread? Malaria; Controlling malaria; bilharzia; The symptoms of bilharzia; River blindness; Controlling river blindness; A battle won; Tuberculosis (TB); How is TB spread? AIDS; wrong ideas about AIDS; Early signs of AIDS; Unhealthy habits; Dirty water is dangerous and a glossary.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation