The number of people, including children, living with HIV keeps growing in the Russian Federation and other countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which is the only region where HIV prevalence remains on the rise. The Practical Recommendations provide the management and the staff of educational institutions with a policy framework and practical tips for supporting and protecting from discrimination students and educators living with or affected by HIV. The Practical Recommendations can be used to review and improve national policies (education laws, ministerial decrees, etc.) and policies of individual education and training institutions (bylaws, codes, etc.) at all levels of education to ensure discrimination free, safe and supportive learning environment and to uphold the rights of all workers and learners including those living with or affected by HIV. The Practical Recommendations can be also used for raising educators’ awareness and their training. The Practical Recommendations are based on international conventions, declarations, recommendations and other documents developed by UNAIDS, UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF and WHO and are aligned with national educational policies of the Russian Federation and other Eastern European and Central Asian countries.

Health and Education Resource Centre