Make or break? 2010: a pivotal year for scaling up RH/HIV integration and accelerating progress towards MDGs 5 and 6

Advocacy Materials
16 p.

In the context of the five-year countdown to the Millennium Development Goals, missed targets on universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care, and the Third Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the report details the unique demand-creation model used by the Mobilizing RH/HIV Integration Initiative during the Global Fund's Rounds 8 and 9. By identifying countries interested in submitting HIV/AIDS proposals to the Global Fund that integrated reproductive health services and health systems strengthening, working with RH and HIV/AIDS civil-society organizations as implementers and advocates, and supporting countries in producing high-quality, innovative, technically-sound proposals, the Mobilizing for RH/HIV Integration Initiative helped to demonstrate the breadth of RH- and MDG 5-related interventions eligible for support from the Global Fund as a strategy for most efficiently and effectively improving HIV/AIDS outcomes. This new report highlights the model used and the Initiative's successful outcomes at the global and national levels, and makes recommendations to donors, national governments, the Global Fund and its technical partners, and other stakeholders in successful Global Fund proposals and in meeting the internationally agreed-upon targets of MDGs 5 and 6.

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