Gender-based violence in sub-Saharan Africa: a review of demographic and health survey findings and their use in national planning
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive human rights issue with public health consequences.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive human rights issue with public health consequences.
This report presents the proceedings of the First Regional Conference on Secondary Education in Africa, organized by the World Bank in June 2003 and hosted by the Uganda Ministry of Education.
The issue of HIV and AIDS is a serious global issue that affects girls and boys, women and men, from all communities. Girls and women are particularly vulnerable to contracting HIV which can develop into AIDS.
This series of Girls' Success Mentoring Guides is a tool to help mentors in their journey. These guides serve as road maps for them. They provide ideas for helping girls as they go through school and become young adults.
Parlons du VIH/SIDA, Matériel supplémentaire pour le niveau 4 est un petit livre fournissant des informations de base sur le VIH et le SIDA.
Life Skills and HIV Education Curricula in Africa: Methods and Evaluations is a study commissioned by the basic education team of the U.S Agency for International Development Africa Bureau's Office of Sustainable Development (USAID/AFR/SD) in 2003.
This document is part of a toolkit written for and by HIV trainers. The toolkit has been designed to help trainers plan and organise educational sessions with community leaders or organised groups.