Zika virus. What is Zika?
Zika is a virus spread to humans by Aedes mosquitoes - the same mosquitoes that spread dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. It usually causes mild illness.
Zika is a virus spread to humans by Aedes mosquitoes - the same mosquitoes that spread dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. It usually causes mild illness.
This report summarizes the key discussions and recommendations emanating from the meeting, which can be used collectively as a “Call to Action” as well as a tool for regional stakeholders including national health, education, and social sector authorities and programs, regional partners, civil so
El gobierno de El Salvador ha priorizado el tema de Adolescentes y Jóvenes y especialmente la salud de los adolescentes dentro de sus políticas, planes y programas.
This Caribbean adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) situational analysis is informed and structured by two conceptual frameworks: the Mapping Adolescent Programming and Measurement (MAPM) framework and the Ecological Framework for Health.
The objectives of this meeting were: to present the current situation of adolescent pregnancy and its major risk factors in the LAC region; to discuss current evidence, lessons learned and best practices regarding adolescent pregnancy prevention and the access and utilization of SRH services by
In this report, we present a Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) of HIV/AIDS in Belize. Added analysis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and gender-based violence (GBV) is provided, as they affect biological risks and social vulnerabilities and help inform the GBA of HIV/AIDS.
The overall objective of this study was to explore the potential intersections between two forms of violence against women (VAW) - partner violence and non-partner violence - among users of VAW and HIV services and to document their experiences, knowledge and perceptions on HIV and violence.
This document, targeted at health sector decision makers and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV/STI program and service managers, is the fruit of a series of intensive expert consultations organized by PAHO over the course of several months, with the participation of other United Nation
Para contribuir a reducir la mortalidad materna de dos municipios rurales en Bolivia, Save the Children y Project Concern International implementaron una estrategia principalmente educativa en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SSyR) llamada Warmi II y donde Organizaciones Comunitarias de Mujeres recib
Esta guía ha sido desarrollada por la Unidad de Salud del Niño y del Adolescente y Unidad HIV/sida del Área de Salud Familiar y Comunitaria OPS/OMS, y es una herramienta para ayudar a que los proveedores de primera línea puedan llegar hasta los jóvenes y promover eficazmente la salud sexual.