Health and Education Resource Centre
Buku Panduan Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Kesehatan Seksualitas yang Komprehensif ini dikembangkan atas kerjasama BKKBN dan UNESCO. Panduan ini merupakan hasil adaptasi dari International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (ITGSE).
Untuk mendukung upaya peningkatan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual yang komprehensif, BKKBN dan UNESCO menyusun Bimbingan Teknis Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Seksual Yang Komprehensif Yang Diadaptasi Dari Buku International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education.
This review of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual and reproductive health in Timor- Leste aimed to examine the present policy and programmatic response in the sector, to identify gaps and to propose recommendations to support the response.
This review aims to describe and analyse the situation regarding the status and scope of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health.
This study gives an overview of HIV, drug and sexual health education (HDSHE) in the Philippines and analyzes the education sector’s response in six areas: organizational structure; policy, planning and leadership; partnerships, coordination and mainstreaming; program response; monitoring and eva
The Roundtable Discussion on the Philippine Situation and Response Analysis on HIV, Drugs and Sexuality aimed to present and validate the research findings of the Draft Report on the Philippine Education Sector’s Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality prepared by the University of the East and comm
The main purpose of this study is to conduct a situation-response analysis of the education sector’s response to HIV, drugs and sexual health.
Challenging stigma and providing hope, this poetry book includes 100 HIV-related poetries written by young people from both the formal and non-formal sectors.
This review is a synthesis of situation-response analyses (SRA) on the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health undertaken in five countries: Brunei Darussalam (2012), Indonesia (2010), Malaysia (2012), the Philippines (2012) and Timor-Leste (2012).