This e-toolkit/training manual is part of a larger Go Girls! toolkit series that helps reduce girls' vulnerability to HIV and AIDS by working with the community, schools, parents and girls themselves. The larger toolkit contains five main resources: Community-based Life Skills for Girls training manual (this document); School-based Skills for Girls and Boys: A Teacher's Manual; Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment for Girls at School: A Training Manual for School Personnel and Teachers; Building Adults' Skills to Communicate with Young People: A Training Manual; A Manual for Mobilizing Communities to Take Action to Reduce Girls' Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. This manual is aimed at girls aged 13-17 who are not enrolled in school or are in vulnerable situations. Girls are taught lifeskills they can put to use to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS. It uses participatory awareness raising, community action points and skills building tools. These approaches were piloted in three countries (Malawi, Mozambique, Botswana) and revised based on findings. The manual has 14 sessions on topics ranging from staying in/returning to school and maintaining healthy friendships to preventing unintended pregnancy and STI/HIV. Each session includes learning objectives, estimated time and materials needed, facilitator preparation, activities with step-by-step instructions and how to wrap up a session, with homework due at next session.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação