Measuring the education sector response to HIV and AIDS: guidelines for the construction and use of core indicators

Toolkits & Guides
92 p.
Title other languages
Mesurer la réponse du secteur de l'éducation au VIH et au SIDA: directives pour l'élaboration et l'utilisation d'indicateurs de base

This publication aims to provide Ministries of Education and other education stakeholders involved in country responses to HIV and AIDS with clear guidelines on the construction and use of 15 core indicators to measure the education sector response to HIV and AIDS. The guidelines were endorsed by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education in February 2013 after extensive national, regional and international consultations and a rigorous field test of the new indicators through 2009-2012. Readers will find detailed information about reasons for using each of the indicators; methods for collecting the data and measuring it; and guidance for interpreting the data, including how to analyse data from various indicators and draw conclusions in terms of potential changes in policies and programmes in the education sector.

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