In West and Central Africa (WCA), teachers are among the most vulnerable since they are seen as role models in the community. HIV & AIDS increase the morbidity and the mortality of already inadequate number of teachers within the education sector. HIV & AIDS-related stigma and discrimination are persistent among teachers in the region. This has resulted in some cases in teachers being dismissed because of their HIV & AIDS-positive status.The objective of this meeting was to bring together existing national associations of teachers infected and affected by HIV & AIDS in the WCA sub-region, HIV & AIDS Focal points of the Ministries of Education, teachers’ unions and key national and international stakeholders in order to ensure regional collaboration between these stakeholders and coordinate action at the national level to support the Educational Sector’s response to HIV & AIDS. The meeting has been an outcome of gradually growing movement among teachers infected and affected by HIV & AIDS in WCA. The main objective of the meeting was to enable national networks of teachers infected and affected by HIV & AIDS in West and Central Africa (WCA) to share experiences and concerns while enhancing regional exchange, as well as build and strengthen the links between Ministries of Educations (MoEs), teachers’ unions and networks of HIV & AIDS positive teachers.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação