
Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2002

Report on Visit to Southeast Asia Region: HIV and education

This document sets out to consider how to establish MTSP policy and advocacy targets relating to HIV and education, with particular reference to education systems, educators and teacher educators and learners - particularly those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2001

Follow-up reproductive health KAP survey for women and Baseline reproductive health KAP survey for men: final report. Target area :Chhlong Operational District, Kratie Province

The objectives of the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling or LQAS survey were to: assess changes in married women's KAP related to birth spacing, STDs, HIV/AIDS and other reproductive health issues within the Community-based Distribution (CBD) project area; obtain information about individual su

Programme Reports & Evaluations
Programme Reports & Evaluations | 2001

Advocacy and IEC programmes and strategies

This booklet describes the fourteen countries' responses to address the problems faced by adolescents by showing the various programmes and activities that the countries are carrying out.