This manual, intended for parents of secondary schools' learners (grades 10-11), is part of an HIV and AIDS education programme called "useful inoculation", which was developed within the project "Healthy Russia 2020" and implemented in several schools of five Russian regions. The main aim of this programme is to develop the life skills that will allow learners to prevent from HIV and avoid drug use, and also to show empathy and support towards people living with HIV and AIDS. The purpose of the present document is to raise parent's awareness on these issues, and to explain to them how education can prevent their children from HIV and AIDS. It is divided into four parts: 1) "Issue", chapter which provides information on the economical and social consequences of HIV and AIDS, 2)"Parents and children", part which proposes to parents quizzes in order to assess their own knowledge on HIV and AIDS and attitudes towards PLHA, 3) "Prevention", part which gives recommendations to parents on the way they can help their children and answer to their questions, and 4) "Crib sheets for parents", section that gives basic information on HIV and AIDS, notably with the help of a test challenging the main myths on this issue. Another part of this section provides arguments in favour of sex education and a detailed description of how to use a condom.

Health and Education Resource Centre