Plan India and UNESCO, September 2011 In its efforts to tackle HIV and AIDS, UNESCO regards HIV treatment education as an important tool to provide high quality education that enables a more effective response to HIV.
Treatment literacy helps to foster awareness that with regular, timely and accurate application of ART, a person living with HIV can look forward to a healthy and productive life. At the individual level, HIV treatment education is a self empowering process as it helps in decisionmaking of one's health issues and in managing one's treatment. Hence, it allows a person living with HIV to plan her/his future and lead a quality life.
This handy booklet provides essential information on ART for people who are already on treatment or planning to start soon, as well as for their friends, families and other care givers and to a much wider population who wish to be better informed about HIV and its related treatment. The booklet will also be useful for managers, professionals working in the field of HIV, peer counselors, community based organizations and NGOs.