Assessment of the impact of AIDS on the education sector in Rwanda

Case Studies & Research
Centre for British Teachers, CfBT
80 p.

Rwanda faces major challenges in strengthening its education system to meet national development objectives, as well as specific education goals of Universal Primary Education and Education for All. The HIV/AIDS epidemic creates an additional challenge to the system. This study is intended to provide information on current and expected HIV/AIDS impacts on the education sector in Rwanda, to inform planning. The study employed a quantitative national survey of schools; discussions in schools with learners, teachers and managers; interviews with other key informants; reviews of documents and other data; and projections of HIV/AIDS impacts. Accuracy of projections was limited by scarcity of data, but the main conclusions drawn from them are likely to be an adequate guide for most planning decisions. A key finding is that recent data suggest that Rwanda's epidemic is not as severe as was previously thought, as estimated adult infection levels are below 8

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