Applying social franchising techniques to youth reproductive health/HIV services
The paper examines what role social franchising might have in expanding reproductive health and HIV services for youth.
The paper examines what role social franchising might have in expanding reproductive health and HIV services for youth.
Ce manuel est destiné aux directeurs de programmes et aux éducateurs-pairs des jeunes qui sont intéressés par l'ajout d'une composante de théâtre à leurs activités sur la santé reproductive et sur la prévention du VIH ou par le renforcement d'une composante de théâtre qui fait déjà
Standards for Peers Education Programmes is a guide developed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Unified Budget Workplan, with separate funding from the U.S.
This document is a manual designed to address the needs of faith-based organizations to reach youth with effective reproductive health and HIV & AIDS training materials published in 2006 by the FHI.
Education, services, and products can help protect youth against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, but groups should be targeted with appropriate messages.