The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) endorsed the right of adolescents and young adults to obtain the highest levels of health care. In line with the ICPD recommendations, Kenya has put in place an Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development (ARH&D) Policy to enhance the implementation and coordination of programmes that address the reproductive health and development needs of young people in the country. Broadly, the Policy addresses the following adolescent reproductive health issues and challenges: adolescent sexual health and reproductive rights; harmful practices; drug and substance abuse; socio-economic factors; and the special needs of adolescents and young people with disabilities. The five principles spelt out in the ARH&D Policy provided a conceptual guide to the development of this Plan of Action, which further distinguishes four strategic areas: advocacy; health awareness and behaviour change communication; access to and utilization of sustainable youth-friendly services; and management. For each of these strategic areas, expected outcomes were developed as follows: Advocacy: Improved policy environment for effective implementation of adolescent reproductive health and development programmes; Health awareness and behaviour change communication: Empowered young people able to develop, adopt and sustain healthy attitudes and behaviours towards reproductive health and development; Access to and utilization of sustainable youth-friendly services: Quality and sustainable youth-friendly reproductive health and development services provided; Management: Capacities of the key national coordinating agencies for effective management of the ARH&D programme enhanced.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação