This booklet is one of a series prepared during the UNESCO training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for Southern African countries. The gender theme that is integrated into this post-literacy material allows for the recognition of local conditions, values, attitudes, beliefs, dreams and aspirations. This booklet addresses a wide-range of issues normally not included in materials for HIV and AIDS, such as the secondary status of girls and women in the family, wife inheritance, traditional medicinal practices, superstitions, home-based care and living positively with HIV and AIDS. The series aims at providing materials that can help readers: women, men, young and old change their attitudes, which, in turn will bring about positive changes in their behaviour and urge them to raise issues and seek answers to questions concerning their risk of contracting HIV and AIDS. It also takes into consideration, readers with limited literacy skills. The story provides advice to people infected with HIV and AIDS, on caring for themselves and leading a positive life. It lays particular emphasis on individuals being honest to their partners about their situations instead of getting them infected due to fear of the unknown.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação