The HIV and AIDS strategy and plan of action for the education sector 2005-2008 is presented in nine chapters. The first chapter covers the rationale for an HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan and Agenda for ActIon, the methodology and underlying assumptions. Chapter two covers the situation analysis of HIV and AIDS in Malawi in relation to education and chapter three contains the overall guiding principles on HIV and AIDS intervention in the sector. In chapters four to eight, the strategy and plan covers the goals, objectives, strategies, education sector specific indicators and a summary of planned activities. The activities reIate to the following key functions: 1. Curriculum Development and ImpIementatlon. 2. Teacher EducatIon and Development. 3. Human Resource Management. 4. Guidance and Counseling, and 5. Planning and Budgeting. The final chapter (nine) highlights the next steps in terms of prioritization, funding and possible sources, mode of implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and additional potential indicators as indicated in the nine thematic areas as described in the National Strategic Framework of the NAC. Detailed action plans for each pathway are given in Annex I (Agenda for Action). The structure and terms of reference for the steering committee and technical teams are given in Annex II.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação