Educational Exclusion: Drop Out, Push Out, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline among LGBTQ Youth provides an in-depth look at the conditions that effectively push LGBTQ youth out of school and potentially into the criminal justice system. The report provides specific, real world guidance to address the hostile school climates and damaging policies and practices that contribute to pushing LGBTQ youth out of their schools. Specifically, this report examines: Rates of school discipline among LGBTQ youth and the factors that contribute to their school disciplinary experiences; School dropout rates among LGBTQ youth and the factors that may play a role in pushing youth out of school; How school disciplinary actions increase LGBTQ youth involvement with the juvenile and criminal justice systems; and Differences in LGBTQ youth’s experiences based on race/ethnicity, gender identity and expression, housing status, and disability.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação