The overall objective of this study is to analyse the response of the education sector to HIV-AIDS epidemic through inputs from the heads of primary schools by describing their viewpoints and professional characteristics in the context of HIV and also examining how the school environment, that the school heads are in charge of, were supportive in the context of HIV-AIDS. Based on the research problematic, the memoire will attempt to provide answers to the following research questions: a) What is the demographic situation in the context of HIV-AIDS in Zimbabwe? What are the government contributions and policies of the education sector on HIV-AIDS in Zimbabwe? b) What are the school heads profiles at primary level in Zimbabwe, in terms of (i) personal and professional characteristics (age, gender, experience, training on HIV-AIDS, etc.), (ii) HIV-AIDS related attitudes and risk perception, (iii) sources of information on HIV-AIDS and (iv) awareness of HIV testing centres? c) Are the primary schools in Zimbabwe providing a supportive environment in the context of HIV-AIDS in terms of (i) school buildings and basic infrastructure provisions (water, toilet, area for guidance and counselling, etc.), (ii) learning materials resources (life skills teacher guide, posters and pamphlets), (iii) trained teachers on HIV-AIDS, (iv) delivery of HIV-AIDS lessons, (v) extra-curricular activities (discussions about stigma and discrimination and HIV testing for staff) and (vi) support for pupils/OVC and staff affected by HIV (guidance and counselling, home visits, learning materials for use at home, medication).

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação