Concern Worldwide has initiated a project called Ending School Related Gender-Based Violence in Malawi to run from 2012 to 2015. The goal of the new program is that the right of girls to access quality primary education, free from all forms of violence and discrimination, be actively promoted by schools, communities and the State in Nsanje District. The expected outcomes of the program are: 1. A safe learning environment for girls is ensured in 17 primary schools in Nsanje; 2. Strengthened multi stakeholder coordination for an effective response to and prevention of GBV in schools and communities; 3. Strengthened implementation of national commitments to address SRGBV. The baseline study is intended to quantify and contextualize indicators at the outset of the project, in order to measure change attributable to the intervention, in 2015.
Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação